Friday, 18 June 2010
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Parliamentary Lobbying - Uninformed Profiteering
Dear Prime Minister and Deputy, Mr Cameron and Mr Clegg,
With the request to hear views I think it is important that I point out over the next weeks there will be contained in here some good ideas about how to help the feature film sector of which I am a member. One of the idea's from many of the Cannes film festival attendees was the introduction of small 20p levie on evey cinema ticket sold to create a cinema distribution fund in the UK for British Films. More on this over the next few weeks.
In the meantime I want to address the apparant wish of the Prime Minister to ask Charities to in some cases take on the burden of the state. In theory this sounds fine but let me explain the dangers as outlined by the supposed B12 lobby of parliament that took place last November. The original remit of the lobby was to attempt to review the treatment of Pernicious Aneamia in the UK. Sadly the event was hijacked by a group of B12 campaigners who wished to profit financially from B12 deficieny rather than support Pernicious Aneamia, which as an auto immune disease requires a different regime of life long injections of B12 as opposed to a course of B12 tablets for those who just have a vitamin deficiency.
In the case of Penicious Aneamia the patient has no intrinsic factor or pertials cells in their stomach linning to absorb B12 therefore it is imperative they have intramuscular injections of B12 once a month for life. Sadly this very important medical fact, yes fact, not fiction, was overlooked and many there were representing doctors and groups who wished to promote untested remedies and unlicensed versions of B12, in a way that they could profit from selling them. With such a disease as Pernicious Aneamia such unregulated experimentation is dangerous as with the promoted Mythlycobalamin injection which is an unlicensed form of unstable B12 injected by small diabetic needles, as opposed to the medical application of the inventors of the cure Addison Whimple and Murphy, who stated that they, at that time thought intramuscular large needle injections aborbed into the body in a better way.
To date the Mythlycobalamin being sold at that event and promoted by the Pernicious Aneamia Society has not been tested for it's absorbtion abilties in small diabetic needle form nor has it been licensed in this country for use. Scientists are still tying to stabalise the mythl molecule from changing when it is exposed to light and heat. The Pernicious Aneamia Society also promotes vitamin intavenious drip proceedures, in which the patient must sign an agreement to do so at their own risk from a doctor whose day job is an anaethnatist.This proceedure is offered as a means to help depletion of vitamins, but as with the case of Michael Jackson any proceedure which is not conducted in a hospital via bonefide medical back up can be dangeous.
So why is the Pernicious Aneamia Society risking it's reputation in this way. Why is it asking sufferers to take an unlicensed B12 and pay the Pernicious Aneamia society for the honour of something that might not be absorbed with the correctness of the current intramuscular B12? Why did it feel this must be done at a Lobby of Parliament, where differing views existed to the way forward for the disease and those like myself were asking for parity with countries like Canada, USA, and Australia where intramuscular hydroxocobalamin B12 is applied under the international medical formulary, once a month.
To have adopted the correct proceedure the Pernicious Aneamia Society should have firstly campaigned for the licensing of mythlcobalamin and for money to be assigned to test it's absorbtion abilities, before it then launched it onto an unsuspecting and vulnerable blood disordered community who were being asked to pay for it though it did not have medical efficacy behind it.
I ask Mr Cameon and Clegg to look into these matters and also in their examination of the Canadian political system to also view how B12 is dispensed there. Furthermore oraganisations who wish to lobby parliament should do just that - Lobbies should be soley for the organisation t wishing to make it's point. It should not be for those who wish to piggy back their views, opinions, and particularly products onto other lobbyists or politicians for financial gain.
Mythlcobalamin may be the way forwad but it needs tested!!!
In the meantime please re- introduce monthly injections of hydoxocabalamin, which have been reduced to a tortuous three monthly regime in the NHS.
Lastly it says nothing for the Labour MP's who have dropped the B12 campaign since and done nothing, but perhaps if it was conditional on mythcobalamin promotion then maybe they have dropped it because they would not receive any plaudits from a difficult hydroxocobalamin campaign?? Now that's thought! Please act! Without B12 being correctly applied some patients can still die of Pernicious Aneamia. There are costs to sort this out and that's what will be looked at in the next blogs and videos over the next few weeks.
With the request to hear views I think it is important that I point out over the next weeks there will be contained in here some good ideas about how to help the feature film sector of which I am a member. One of the idea's from many of the Cannes film festival attendees was the introduction of small 20p levie on evey cinema ticket sold to create a cinema distribution fund in the UK for British Films. More on this over the next few weeks.
In the meantime I want to address the apparant wish of the Prime Minister to ask Charities to in some cases take on the burden of the state. In theory this sounds fine but let me explain the dangers as outlined by the supposed B12 lobby of parliament that took place last November. The original remit of the lobby was to attempt to review the treatment of Pernicious Aneamia in the UK. Sadly the event was hijacked by a group of B12 campaigners who wished to profit financially from B12 deficieny rather than support Pernicious Aneamia, which as an auto immune disease requires a different regime of life long injections of B12 as opposed to a course of B12 tablets for those who just have a vitamin deficiency.
In the case of Penicious Aneamia the patient has no intrinsic factor or pertials cells in their stomach linning to absorb B12 therefore it is imperative they have intramuscular injections of B12 once a month for life. Sadly this very important medical fact, yes fact, not fiction, was overlooked and many there were representing doctors and groups who wished to promote untested remedies and unlicensed versions of B12, in a way that they could profit from selling them. With such a disease as Pernicious Aneamia such unregulated experimentation is dangerous as with the promoted Mythlycobalamin injection which is an unlicensed form of unstable B12 injected by small diabetic needles, as opposed to the medical application of the inventors of the cure Addison Whimple and Murphy, who stated that they, at that time thought intramuscular large needle injections aborbed into the body in a better way.
To date the Mythlycobalamin being sold at that event and promoted by the Pernicious Aneamia Society has not been tested for it's absorbtion abilties in small diabetic needle form nor has it been licensed in this country for use. Scientists are still tying to stabalise the mythl molecule from changing when it is exposed to light and heat. The Pernicious Aneamia Society also promotes vitamin intavenious drip proceedures, in which the patient must sign an agreement to do so at their own risk from a doctor whose day job is an anaethnatist.This proceedure is offered as a means to help depletion of vitamins, but as with the case of Michael Jackson any proceedure which is not conducted in a hospital via bonefide medical back up can be dangeous.
So why is the Pernicious Aneamia Society risking it's reputation in this way. Why is it asking sufferers to take an unlicensed B12 and pay the Pernicious Aneamia society for the honour of something that might not be absorbed with the correctness of the current intramuscular B12? Why did it feel this must be done at a Lobby of Parliament, where differing views existed to the way forward for the disease and those like myself were asking for parity with countries like Canada, USA, and Australia where intramuscular hydroxocobalamin B12 is applied under the international medical formulary, once a month.
To have adopted the correct proceedure the Pernicious Aneamia Society should have firstly campaigned for the licensing of mythlcobalamin and for money to be assigned to test it's absorbtion abilities, before it then launched it onto an unsuspecting and vulnerable blood disordered community who were being asked to pay for it though it did not have medical efficacy behind it.
I ask Mr Cameon and Clegg to look into these matters and also in their examination of the Canadian political system to also view how B12 is dispensed there. Furthermore oraganisations who wish to lobby parliament should do just that - Lobbies should be soley for the organisation t wishing to make it's point. It should not be for those who wish to piggy back their views, opinions, and particularly products onto other lobbyists or politicians for financial gain.
Mythlcobalamin may be the way forwad but it needs tested!!!
In the meantime please re- introduce monthly injections of hydoxocabalamin, which have been reduced to a tortuous three monthly regime in the NHS.
Lastly it says nothing for the Labour MP's who have dropped the B12 campaign since and done nothing, but perhaps if it was conditional on mythcobalamin promotion then maybe they have dropped it because they would not receive any plaudits from a difficult hydroxocobalamin campaign?? Now that's thought! Please act! Without B12 being correctly applied some patients can still die of Pernicious Aneamia. There are costs to sort this out and that's what will be looked at in the next blogs and videos over the next few weeks.
Monday, 7 June 2010
The End of Excess
The figure for the Government's National Debt of 770 billion is quite a staggering amount, but it may not truly reflect the depth of the situation. The amount breaks down to £22,ooo per person in the country but this does not reflect the personal debts of those who have credit, card loans, and unpaid bills, where the estimated debt of each family amounted to an average of £33,ooo per person. So add the National Government debt and private debts together and each has to bear around £55,000 on average. Are we to bequeath this debt to our children?
It is incredible that the debt was never tackled by a Socialist Government who took the appoach in the name of Socialism that they would build up an elitely paid class in the Public sector who were overpaid and turned a blind eye to profiteeing among the public bodies. For example, NHS officials sold off drugs for cancer at a profit abroad and yet to date noone has come clean about where the money went. It is known it never reached patients who were denied drugs they required. It may indeed be the case that B12 for Penicious Aneamia also fell into the profiteering catergory, as for three decades prior to labour power, doctors believed the medical scam that patients only required the drug every three months when in fact the international medical fomulary stated it must be given once a month. Is this just the tip of the iceburg of an economic and social malaise of profiteering in which politicians and officials slept walked, like zombies through an economic morass without knowing they were creating layers of unaccountable publically paid elite classes, who amassed great fortunes at the expense of the taxable population.
Surely something went wrong somewhere? The socailist view of Robin Hood robbing the rich to pay the poor might have applied, but it seems in this case Robin robbed the coffers of the treasury to amass wealth for a band of brothers who did not in fact redistribute the wealth to the poor. How embarassing therefore that a Progressive Liberal/Consevative Govt are having to re-distribute that wealth away from the absolutist unaccountable public sector 'Nu Class'. How emancipating even more for the Liberal Democracts that they will be the orchestrators of a new elected chamber that will abolish the House of Lords. How strange, how sad, nay lamentable that this reform was not considered by the Labour Government when they had the chance to do it.
If the Labour party feels shame and embarassment, or even dispair so it should, because what it has left behind it is nothing more than the scorched earth policy of a feudal warlord on a Medieval battlefield. The losers in this are the weak and infirm who did not have the ability to defend themselves against an inverted Robin Hood regime which failed to redess the balance of power between the rich and poor. As we look on at the ashes of Nu Labour perhaps a Phoenix will arise that will have the vision to see that its own salvation lies in letting this Govenment enact the reforms it failed to acheive.
It is incredible that the debt was never tackled by a Socialist Government who took the appoach in the name of Socialism that they would build up an elitely paid class in the Public sector who were overpaid and turned a blind eye to profiteeing among the public bodies. For example, NHS officials sold off drugs for cancer at a profit abroad and yet to date noone has come clean about where the money went. It is known it never reached patients who were denied drugs they required. It may indeed be the case that B12 for Penicious Aneamia also fell into the profiteering catergory, as for three decades prior to labour power, doctors believed the medical scam that patients only required the drug every three months when in fact the international medical fomulary stated it must be given once a month. Is this just the tip of the iceburg of an economic and social malaise of profiteering in which politicians and officials slept walked, like zombies through an economic morass without knowing they were creating layers of unaccountable publically paid elite classes, who amassed great fortunes at the expense of the taxable population.
Surely something went wrong somewhere? The socailist view of Robin Hood robbing the rich to pay the poor might have applied, but it seems in this case Robin robbed the coffers of the treasury to amass wealth for a band of brothers who did not in fact redistribute the wealth to the poor. How embarassing therefore that a Progressive Liberal/Consevative Govt are having to re-distribute that wealth away from the absolutist unaccountable public sector 'Nu Class'. How emancipating even more for the Liberal Democracts that they will be the orchestrators of a new elected chamber that will abolish the House of Lords. How strange, how sad, nay lamentable that this reform was not considered by the Labour Government when they had the chance to do it.
If the Labour party feels shame and embarassment, or even dispair so it should, because what it has left behind it is nothing more than the scorched earth policy of a feudal warlord on a Medieval battlefield. The losers in this are the weak and infirm who did not have the ability to defend themselves against an inverted Robin Hood regime which failed to redess the balance of power between the rich and poor. As we look on at the ashes of Nu Labour perhaps a Phoenix will arise that will have the vision to see that its own salvation lies in letting this Govenment enact the reforms it failed to acheive.
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