Sunday, 27 October 2024

A Quest for Peace and a Red Rose Revival

Peace Quest Documentary and a Red Rose.

World Peace has never been harder lost than right now with a war in the Middle East and another in Europe in Ukraine. Back in 2023 at the New Year, I made a resolution to visit one community per month that promoted World peace either politically or spiritually speaking. It seemed an innocent naive thing to ask now given the ferocity of the fighting on both fronts. Ten months later it's been hard to go around to visit and film these communities because of two things my own priority list that got in the way and that of the interviewees who seemed to be doing more important things to sustain their communities and groups during the world crisis. How could this be? So far I managed to interview the head of the Peace Sanctuary in Allanton, responsible for the well-known Peace Poles of May Peace dwell on Earth motto and earlier in the year Leader of the Samye Ling Buddhist Monastery. I then went to speak with some of the SGI Sokka Gaki Buddhists about their Peace initiatives plus members of the Bahai Faith. However, there are gaps in the monthly forrays to Peace Communities due to an illness of mine, like a nasty tooth abscess in July coupled with a six-month train strike that limited journeys and sometimes made travel impossible due to cancellations. So now I must catch up in November and December to speak  Christian and Muslim Groups along with other political organisations. Will I make it? I soon found I needed money to get around so I launched a Crowdfunder and I'm appealing to you to help because I have left the Crowdfunder open after the window for donations and it is still available for support. You can help by donating at this link here Peace Quest

To make this more attractive anyone donating over £10 will receive a free Peace Symbol Necklace with their contribution. They are also available on Etsy to buy for Peace Quest at this link Peace Necklace 

In the lead up to Christmas I hope people will consider helping Peace-Quest documentary reach its goal. It will be edited from January 2025 to April given that 12 communities were the goal and that filming them would not be completed by December 2024. It's a challenge, but I do hope it will get people in general inspired to consider peace as the only option for humanity.

Red Rose Film in 2024 20th Anniversary Revival 

Red Rose the film I wrote and produced in 2004 is having a revival with screening in Scotland. In July it screened at the Theatre Royal Dumfries on the anniversary of Robert Burn's death. It was a historical event because Robert Burns was associated with the theatre due to the riot that ensued over his failure to stand for the National Anthem.  A documentary was made about the Red Rose screenings this summer and you can see it on you tube or again at this link below.

Red Rose Revival Screenings

Here is the new trailer at the link here Red Rose Trailer

If you would like a screening of the film accompanied by a Q and A from me please do get in touch.

Art Centres in Scotland have also requested the film for Burns Suppers in 2025 for which it is available.

More up dates on my other projects soon here because the Blog seems to be the most efficient way to get the word out in these times.

More soon.

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A Quest for Peace and a Red Rose Revival

Peace Quest Documentary and a Red Rose. World Peace has never been harder lost than right now with a war in the Middle East and another in E...