I was going great guns up to the point my mother died last February 2022 I was putting the films Dracula on Holiday and The Right Bus into cinemas plus I was trying to launch a Screenplay course on Mastermind.All got shelved during the arrangements for the funeral and the resulting fall out from inevitable small print in Mums will. It was always known my brother would inherit the house despite the Scottish tradition that a house should go to all of the children my mother disagreed with my father on this and insisted the first born would get the property.Strange old fashioned views that ignored the concept that the world was enlightened towards equality these days.Oh well I move on sadder and wiser but it does not make up for the loss of my Mum who worked hard to make sure everyone was provided for at least. I managed to get my National Insurance debts paid thanks to her - something that was difficult to pay because of being self employed. I at least moved forward out of the trauma of her sudden death.Now to pick up the pieces of all the things that did not get done last year.The greatest thing that suffered was the film script writing when writers block descended like a big bad fog.
3 scripts sat in the shadows unfinished and the pick up on them is a hard ask.However fast forward to last week and the decision to attend the Matthew McConaughey Road trip to More jolted me out of my complacency and put me into the mode of making my accountability list. So now all being well I hope to launch 3 courses on Mastermind this year then also complete my screenplays and begin the process of raising finance for these film productions. Each one has a specific character and special needs.They are almost like a young children, so that you have to nurture a screenplay into existence and even more so it's next step into production. For this purpose I set up my new company Sans Peur Productions and only a few months old it has got a long way to go before it will figure out the funding elements of each project. Already one of them has a co- Producer so that is a start. What I can say is McConaugheys course challenges you to look at the lies that tell yourself. The lies you tell yourself that your dreams are too hard to achieve. If you let them. The course moves you to the next level of admission that of action. It shows you how to take the steps to make your personal goals and dreams happen. Now I'm on that road having submitted my resignation from Palm Tree Universal to take clear action that I'm going it alone with my new company Sans Peur which means Without Fear in French and I'm going to need a lot of it -without fear- that is because if the procrastination on this was anything to go by then I'm scared stiff. My dreams are awaiting round the corner with a big to do list but one thing is for sure. The Roadtrip to More Transformation by Matthew McConaughey course definitely works.