A week is a long time in politics. So were the five days it took to conclude the consitutional snooker that was delivered by we, the people. As a qualified political scientist with a Joint Honours degree in History and Politics, and having read all the political philosophers of all persuations from Marx, Engles, (communist), Hume, Locke, (Liberal), Adam Smith, Edmund Burke (Conservative) and Gramsci, Fabian (Socialism) the only extremmists of these groups that put power before the elected wishes of the people were Stalin, Hitler and Musolini. How was it them that the concept of majority power in the parliament took precedence over the elected wishes of the people in the form of the elected parties Prime Minister?? Such an idea that parliaments majority was more important, was against the spirit of the election which sought parliamentary reform in the first place. So too must we compare the idea of usurping the elected majority for the right of parliament to govern without a clear majority as a tactic that is only seen in previous forms of Despotic Orientalism. It is not something that is part of Western Democratic practice. So how did this idea creep in with hither too democratically elected MP's.
Imagine the bloggists nightmare to meet the very person one had blogged against which I did on a plane to France when Peter Mandelson on his last day sat down beside me last week. I muttered a kind of apology but he had not read the blog. He sought solace in his radio earphone for he did not want to talk. I managed to extract some sort of broken conversation which was to his credit showing himself the gentleman he is in fact. However on discussing the issue at hand, Gordon Brown's resignation he said he felt it was inevitable. Thank goodness truly for that because how were we all to try to cement a coalition with a party that had no mandate to rule with a Prime Minister who had not politcal right to remain in power??
Perhaps the Rainbow was the idea of a utopian beleiver who thought that the requesting party of this was whiter than white and had no motive other than to force another election or promote parliamentary reform. Was it as simple as that? With no mandate to rule the request remained anti-democratic and assumed there would be no corruptive forces in the coalition of the rainbow whose ideologies were so divergent they may not agree on anything? After all what is an ideology? It is a wooden non-human idol that sits above us all, to be worshipped above the people, and most usually in the domain of totaliatianism. Would we not then have had a parliament of the Tammany Hall squabbles or a blood bath of Post Colonial New York?
How clever was it then that no matter what, the People themselves decided that they wanted a Coalition. A new politick which forced a new way of working that put political Unity first before partisan politics? Where the Lib Dem was stuck in a decision that was ultimately taken away from him by an Older and Wiser man, Gordon Brown, who might have read of the dangers of putting ideology first in the way that Stalin did???
What are we left with - a way of working together to solve the biggest problem of all - the decline and fall of capitalism itself which may in fact not require the old ideologies to prevent its collapse. Its decline in itself will create the need for a new political premise based on the unity of politics or rather the abandonment of it to form new princincples of co-operation, racial unity, social harmony and religious tolerance that we all crave what ever our persuasion? To put the people first before a wronged and failing political elite, whose reign above the people can't not follow for they must be servants of the people first?
If we forget all this, then our wars against Oriental Despotism are of no account. Let it be therefore that we join in a new politics of Unity that works to solve the people's ills, heals their sicknesses and put them to work for the goodness of their own and all, rather than for a partisan political elite that works for itself.
One small phrase for a little known Religion seems apt 'The Earth is but One Country and Mankind its Citizens' - Baha'i Faith
Lastly, the plane on which I met Peter Mandelson was headed for Nice via Zurich, Switzerland where Peter got off. 'Might you have a Swiss bank account, Peter?'
Brighter Skies and Better Tomorrows.
Monday, 24 May 2010
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Nick - We want the House of Lords on a Platter !
I'll be quick and cut to the chase. The fact is the Labour party does not have the majority to rule. Therefore the only way it is going to work is if the Labour Party offer the Lib Dems the total Democratic reform package of wide and sweeping proportions. The list of reform requirements looks like this. Immediate reform of the voting system to include proportional representation - The reform of the parliamentary expenses system where a cap is placed on what MP's can claim, with the right of the public to vote out a corrupt MP. The re-working of the parliamentary votes system to bring about the final abolition of the House of Lords.
How else Nick are you going to save face ?????This was what We the People voted for when we voted for you to take the balance of power and have the right to make that decision. I was one of the disassemblers who voted Lib dem to keep the Tories out in my English constituency, but in contradiction supported Labour in my native Scotland. Why did I do that like many others, who sent out such contradictions? Because that way the Lib dems would have the weight of the decision as to how to go forward on their shoulders. No-one else could be trusted. Cetainly not Labour whose record appalls.
Here it is - Whole sale management of a Parliament that per MP's expense claims cost the taxpayers TEN BILLION POUNDS in their decade of power. I'll say that again ONE HUNDREND MILLION POUNDS a year. That does not include the defense slush fund organised by the corrupt British Aviation Suppliers BAE who are in court as we speak for bribery. Added to that the corruption of the NHS in which the apparachics organised a way of selling drugs for Leukemia and other cancer abroad, taking those drug out of the system so that they could not be accessed by patients. I could go on. The list of corruptive practises of the Labour party over seerers of the public purse is frightening to any defender of Democracy. What is even worse is that thought they could get away with it by wrapping it up in a brand of public display of 'socialism' whilst running a system of corrupt vest intersts behind peoples backs.
Nick please ask for the House of Lords on a platter. Don't believe Mandleson's words about creating a pluralistic society. He is a Lord himself and he would say that. To Peter who I shared a house with as a student, I have to remind him of the words of the first Social Democratic President of the NUS Sue Slipman who started the Lib Dems with Shirley Williams and who spent many dinner parties arguing with you.... Peter, Peter, please, please take off your 'ideological straight jacket' and look at the corruption that befalls you......
We the People want the House of Lords delivered, abolished and on Plate!!!
Goodnight and Good Luck.
How else Nick are you going to save face ?????This was what We the People voted for when we voted for you to take the balance of power and have the right to make that decision. I was one of the disassemblers who voted Lib dem to keep the Tories out in my English constituency, but in contradiction supported Labour in my native Scotland. Why did I do that like many others, who sent out such contradictions? Because that way the Lib dems would have the weight of the decision as to how to go forward on their shoulders. No-one else could be trusted. Cetainly not Labour whose record appalls.
Here it is - Whole sale management of a Parliament that per MP's expense claims cost the taxpayers TEN BILLION POUNDS in their decade of power. I'll say that again ONE HUNDREND MILLION POUNDS a year. That does not include the defense slush fund organised by the corrupt British Aviation Suppliers BAE who are in court as we speak for bribery. Added to that the corruption of the NHS in which the apparachics organised a way of selling drugs for Leukemia and other cancer abroad, taking those drug out of the system so that they could not be accessed by patients. I could go on. The list of corruptive practises of the Labour party over seerers of the public purse is frightening to any defender of Democracy. What is even worse is that thought they could get away with it by wrapping it up in a brand of public display of 'socialism' whilst running a system of corrupt vest intersts behind peoples backs.
Nick please ask for the House of Lords on a platter. Don't believe Mandleson's words about creating a pluralistic society. He is a Lord himself and he would say that. To Peter who I shared a house with as a student, I have to remind him of the words of the first Social Democratic President of the NUS Sue Slipman who started the Lib Dems with Shirley Williams and who spent many dinner parties arguing with you.... Peter, Peter, please, please take off your 'ideological straight jacket' and look at the corruption that befalls you......
We the People want the House of Lords delivered, abolished and on Plate!!!
Goodnight and Good Luck.
Saturday, 8 May 2010
Let them Eat Cake! - No, says Robespierre
Electoral and Parliamentary Reform in the UK
The scenes outside polling stations this week are remincient of the anti-democratic scenes you would normally see associated with a despotic Banana Republic. When police scuffle to remove voters from polling stations, it is not something that a Labour Government in its dying hours should ever be trying to ignore but it reflects the way in which the Labour party has lost its way. In the pursuit of power and the desire to cling to it, over the years the Labour Party has been chipping away at democracy and the rights of the British people, who in voting them out have finally said enough is enough.
As someone who has worked as an Election Returning Officer for 3 years, albeit for a Student Association where I ran possibly the only Proportional Representation Counts in the country, I feel bound to say that under the rules for elections where voters have not been treated uniformly in the same way or where ballot papers have run out, there must be in those constituencies be an immediate re-call for a re-election. The guidelines are simple, where the election service has failed the voter, then the local council can call for a completely new vote and are within their rights to do so. Election Returning Officers should have brought all those they could into the buildings from the queues, then locked the doors and allowed the public to vote. This is common practise or was with good Returning Officers whose first duty is to allow the public to vote. In Consitiuencies where the public have been turned away they should be requesting to revote because the spirit of correct Election returning is to allow people to vote. In ignoring these principles the Electoral Commission is acting like the Lobotomised Apparachic of a failed Anti- Democratic Government.
MP Watch Dog
On top of that I have set up, a FaceBook site called MP Watch Dog to monitor the expenses and commitment of MPs to their constituents. It hopes to compile greivances of the public, monitor MP's expenses on a monthly basis and award a system of points to reveal how bad or well MP's are doing. It will also monitor which bills MPs are supporting and where any abuse is found it will report these MPs to the parliamentary review bodies. You will be receiving my invite to Join MP WATCH DOG soon.
The one fact that is appalling about the expenses scandle is that when you add up the average expenses of an MP of £160,000 and multiply this with the 650 Mps, the yearly figure comes to 100 Million a year ie One Billion Pounds. Its outrageous! And you must see it in context. Say for example I wished to sort out injections for my condition Pernicious Aneamia sufferers? That money could sort out a life time supply for sufferers for the entire country. How despicable therefore that MP's spent this on Curtains, Furniture and Porn Movies. Did they think they were living in a Mafia run Operation where people where too scared to complain. The UK remains a free Democractic Country despite what our MP's of all parties have done. Now today it's time to allow THE PEOPLE to reclaim their country. Many voted deliberately for a Hung Parliament simply because they wanted to allow Nick Clegg to have the balance of power. He must now arise to the challenge whilst accepting that the people did not vote for the Labour Party or Gordon Brown who must now accept that and leave gracefully before the British Public cause roiting in the streets in a similar way to the Country of Greece.
As we wait for the King Maker to make up his mind, he must never think he failed. The people did not give the Conservative party the full majority, they gave that to Nick Clegg. Let him like Gordon accept the wishes of the public. In the meantime the Heads of the Electoral Commission should resign and reset their sights. Nick Clegg should take as long as he wants, because the public wont eat Cake anymore.
The scenes outside polling stations this week are remincient of the anti-democratic scenes you would normally see associated with a despotic Banana Republic. When police scuffle to remove voters from polling stations, it is not something that a Labour Government in its dying hours should ever be trying to ignore but it reflects the way in which the Labour party has lost its way. In the pursuit of power and the desire to cling to it, over the years the Labour Party has been chipping away at democracy and the rights of the British people, who in voting them out have finally said enough is enough.
As someone who has worked as an Election Returning Officer for 3 years, albeit for a Student Association where I ran possibly the only Proportional Representation Counts in the country, I feel bound to say that under the rules for elections where voters have not been treated uniformly in the same way or where ballot papers have run out, there must be in those constituencies be an immediate re-call for a re-election. The guidelines are simple, where the election service has failed the voter, then the local council can call for a completely new vote and are within their rights to do so. Election Returning Officers should have brought all those they could into the buildings from the queues, then locked the doors and allowed the public to vote. This is common practise or was with good Returning Officers whose first duty is to allow the public to vote. In Consitiuencies where the public have been turned away they should be requesting to revote because the spirit of correct Election returning is to allow people to vote. In ignoring these principles the Electoral Commission is acting like the Lobotomised Apparachic of a failed Anti- Democratic Government.
MP Watch Dog
On top of that I have set up, a FaceBook site called MP Watch Dog to monitor the expenses and commitment of MPs to their constituents. It hopes to compile greivances of the public, monitor MP's expenses on a monthly basis and award a system of points to reveal how bad or well MP's are doing. It will also monitor which bills MPs are supporting and where any abuse is found it will report these MPs to the parliamentary review bodies. You will be receiving my invite to Join MP WATCH DOG soon.
The one fact that is appalling about the expenses scandle is that when you add up the average expenses of an MP of £160,000 and multiply this with the 650 Mps, the yearly figure comes to 100 Million a year ie One Billion Pounds. Its outrageous! And you must see it in context. Say for example I wished to sort out injections for my condition Pernicious Aneamia sufferers? That money could sort out a life time supply for sufferers for the entire country. How despicable therefore that MP's spent this on Curtains, Furniture and Porn Movies. Did they think they were living in a Mafia run Operation where people where too scared to complain. The UK remains a free Democractic Country despite what our MP's of all parties have done. Now today it's time to allow THE PEOPLE to reclaim their country. Many voted deliberately for a Hung Parliament simply because they wanted to allow Nick Clegg to have the balance of power. He must now arise to the challenge whilst accepting that the people did not vote for the Labour Party or Gordon Brown who must now accept that and leave gracefully before the British Public cause roiting in the streets in a similar way to the Country of Greece.
As we wait for the King Maker to make up his mind, he must never think he failed. The people did not give the Conservative party the full majority, they gave that to Nick Clegg. Let him like Gordon accept the wishes of the public. In the meantime the Heads of the Electoral Commission should resign and reset their sights. Nick Clegg should take as long as he wants, because the public wont eat Cake anymore.
Saturday, 1 May 2010
The UK 2010 Election and the NHS
Pernicious Aneamia Diaries
The election certainly seems to be of great importance to those like myself, who know they have underlying permenant health conditions. In my case I have Pernicious Anaemia which is a greatly misunderstood disease because of its name and also because it is an auto-immune disease of the blood which is allied to such other blood disorders like Leukemia. Fortunately unlike Leukemia, Pernicious Aneamia is the only red and white blood cell disorder that has a cure at least for the red cell malformations. This comes in the form of B12 injections. However there is yet to be a cure for the second part of the disease which is where the white cells wrongly attack organs like the stomach where they destroy the peritial cells which are the cells needed to absorb b12 and iron. As a result the sufferer requires life long injections of b12 and in the rarer version like my own they must constantly guard against the subsiduary diseases, sustained from long term iron deficiency. It is a lonely difficult and exhausting disease which has none of the sympathy of Leukemia but all of the symptoms.
I really hate patronising buddies who cruelly say that I should just take a few iron pills and a couple of Guinesses and I'll be will be alright as an uneducated NHS nurse said to me! The ignorance of this disease in the NHS beggars belief, where for the last 30 years patients have had to endure the wrong medical formulary of having the cure every three months when in actual fact the inventors of the cure Addison Whimple and Murphy nobel prize winners advised the cure B12 must be administered monthly. Additionally in other countries like Canada, USA and Australia the medical formularlies there accept that patients require a monthly injection to be kept well and to hold back the other progessive elements of the auto-immune disease.
How delighted I was therefore that Labour MP's took up this call to Review the treatment last year. However this became over shadowed by the chaos of the last few months and nothing has a yet been done or called for despite repeated pleas from the Perncious Aneamia Society to keep reviewing types of B12 and new forms of treatment to remove the 3 months advocacy.
Eric Joyce
Eric Joyce MP remains the only MP to have spoken out to request the NHS look into providing another 8 injections on top of the four yearly they provide. As always Mr Joyce often takes up causes that others may avoid because the outcome is unpalatable to authorities like his request for troops out of Afganistan. However Pernicious Aneamia is no less a cause for him because it points out his own and others desire to reform the NHS to create a service that is based on saving lives rather than cost. In that respect it would be the greatest help to the Pernicious Aneamia Society if he could get himself re-elected to re join this campaign to provide the injections that sufferers so badly need. I therefore wish him the best of support on election day.
Aside from that my daily struggle with Perncious Aneamia remains the one challenge which will remain with me after the election posters have come down and the spectre of a hung parliament cling to the walls of Westminister. The collapse of the Heath Service has been going on for many decades. Whatever happens its time we all created, whatever the party, a health service that can rise to the costs required to re-build its failing service.
Here below are supporters of change.
Kiefer Sutherland supports Health Reform in USA on You Tube at
Tommy Douglas Canadian politician guides how important healthcare is on You Tube
at www.youtube.com?watch?v=If1YAznsnVA&feature=related
Eric Joyce comments on what needs to be done for Pernicious Anemia in the UK
Pernicious Aneamia Society www.pernicious-aneamia-society.org
The election certainly seems to be of great importance to those like myself, who know they have underlying permenant health conditions. In my case I have Pernicious Anaemia which is a greatly misunderstood disease because of its name and also because it is an auto-immune disease of the blood which is allied to such other blood disorders like Leukemia. Fortunately unlike Leukemia, Pernicious Aneamia is the only red and white blood cell disorder that has a cure at least for the red cell malformations. This comes in the form of B12 injections. However there is yet to be a cure for the second part of the disease which is where the white cells wrongly attack organs like the stomach where they destroy the peritial cells which are the cells needed to absorb b12 and iron. As a result the sufferer requires life long injections of b12 and in the rarer version like my own they must constantly guard against the subsiduary diseases, sustained from long term iron deficiency. It is a lonely difficult and exhausting disease which has none of the sympathy of Leukemia but all of the symptoms.
I really hate patronising buddies who cruelly say that I should just take a few iron pills and a couple of Guinesses and I'll be will be alright as an uneducated NHS nurse said to me! The ignorance of this disease in the NHS beggars belief, where for the last 30 years patients have had to endure the wrong medical formulary of having the cure every three months when in actual fact the inventors of the cure Addison Whimple and Murphy nobel prize winners advised the cure B12 must be administered monthly. Additionally in other countries like Canada, USA and Australia the medical formularlies there accept that patients require a monthly injection to be kept well and to hold back the other progessive elements of the auto-immune disease.
How delighted I was therefore that Labour MP's took up this call to Review the treatment last year. However this became over shadowed by the chaos of the last few months and nothing has a yet been done or called for despite repeated pleas from the Perncious Aneamia Society to keep reviewing types of B12 and new forms of treatment to remove the 3 months advocacy.
Eric Joyce
Eric Joyce MP remains the only MP to have spoken out to request the NHS look into providing another 8 injections on top of the four yearly they provide. As always Mr Joyce often takes up causes that others may avoid because the outcome is unpalatable to authorities like his request for troops out of Afganistan. However Pernicious Aneamia is no less a cause for him because it points out his own and others desire to reform the NHS to create a service that is based on saving lives rather than cost. In that respect it would be the greatest help to the Pernicious Aneamia Society if he could get himself re-elected to re join this campaign to provide the injections that sufferers so badly need. I therefore wish him the best of support on election day.
Aside from that my daily struggle with Perncious Aneamia remains the one challenge which will remain with me after the election posters have come down and the spectre of a hung parliament cling to the walls of Westminister. The collapse of the Heath Service has been going on for many decades. Whatever happens its time we all created, whatever the party, a health service that can rise to the costs required to re-build its failing service.
Here below are supporters of change.
Kiefer Sutherland supports Health Reform in USA on You Tube at
Tommy Douglas Canadian politician guides how important healthcare is on You Tube
at www.youtube.com?watch?v=If1YAznsnVA&feature=related
Eric Joyce comments on what needs to be done for Pernicious Anemia in the UK
Pernicious Aneamia Society www.pernicious-aneamia-society.org
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