Saturday, 8 May 2010

Let them Eat Cake! - No, says Robespierre

Electoral and Parliamentary Reform in the UK

The scenes outside polling stations this week are remincient of the anti-democratic scenes you would normally see associated with a despotic Banana Republic. When police scuffle to remove voters from polling stations, it is not something that a Labour Government in its dying hours should ever be trying to ignore but it reflects the way in which the Labour party has lost its way. In the pursuit of power and the desire to cling to it, over the years the Labour Party has been chipping away at democracy and the rights of the British people, who in voting them out have finally said enough is enough.

As someone who has worked as an Election Returning Officer for 3 years, albeit for a Student Association where I ran possibly the only Proportional Representation Counts in the country, I feel bound to say that under the rules for elections where voters have not been treated uniformly in the same way or where ballot papers have run out, there must be in those constituencies be an immediate re-call for a re-election. The guidelines are simple, where the election service has failed the voter, then the local council can call for a completely new vote and are within their rights to do so. Election Returning Officers should have brought all those they could into the buildings from the queues, then locked the doors and allowed the public to vote. This is common practise or was with good Returning Officers whose first duty is to allow the public to vote. In Consitiuencies where the public have been turned away they should be requesting to revote because the spirit of correct Election returning is to allow people to vote. In ignoring these principles the Electoral Commission is acting like the Lobotomised Apparachic of a failed Anti- Democratic Government.

MP Watch Dog
On top of that I have set up, a FaceBook site called MP Watch Dog to monitor the expenses and commitment of MPs to their constituents. It hopes to compile greivances of the public, monitor MP's expenses on a monthly basis and award a system of points to reveal how bad or well MP's are doing. It will also monitor which bills MPs are supporting and where any abuse is found it will report these MPs to the parliamentary review bodies. You will be receiving my invite to Join MP WATCH DOG soon.

The one fact that is appalling about the expenses scandle is that when you add up the average expenses of an MP of £160,000 and multiply this with the 650 Mps, the yearly figure comes to 100 Million a year ie One Billion Pounds. Its outrageous! And you must see it in context. Say for example I wished to sort out injections for my condition Pernicious Aneamia sufferers? That money could sort out a life time supply for sufferers for the entire country. How despicable therefore that MP's spent this on Curtains, Furniture and Porn Movies. Did they think they were living in a Mafia run Operation where people where too scared to complain. The UK remains a free Democractic Country despite what our MP's of all parties have done. Now today it's time to allow THE PEOPLE to reclaim their country. Many voted deliberately for a Hung Parliament simply because they wanted to allow Nick Clegg to have the balance of power. He must now arise to the challenge whilst accepting that the people did not vote for the Labour Party or Gordon Brown who must now accept that and leave gracefully before the British Public cause roiting in the streets in a similar way to the Country of Greece.

As we wait for the King Maker to make up his mind, he must never think he failed. The people did not give the Conservative party the full majority, they gave that to Nick Clegg. Let him like Gordon accept the wishes of the public. In the meantime the Heads of the Electoral Commission should resign and reset their sights. Nick Clegg should take as long as he wants, because the public wont eat Cake anymore.

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