I'll be quick and cut to the chase. The fact is the Labour party does not have the majority to rule. Therefore the only way it is going to work is if the Labour Party offer the Lib Dems the total Democratic reform package of wide and sweeping proportions. The list of reform requirements looks like this. Immediate reform of the voting system to include proportional representation - The reform of the parliamentary expenses system where a cap is placed on what MP's can claim, with the right of the public to vote out a corrupt MP. The re-working of the parliamentary votes system to bring about the final abolition of the House of Lords.
How else Nick are you going to save face ?????This was what We the People voted for when we voted for you to take the balance of power and have the right to make that decision. I was one of the disassemblers who voted Lib dem to keep the Tories out in my English constituency, but in contradiction supported Labour in my native Scotland. Why did I do that like many others, who sent out such contradictions? Because that way the Lib dems would have the weight of the decision as to how to go forward on their shoulders. No-one else could be trusted. Cetainly not Labour whose record appalls.
Here it is - Whole sale management of a Parliament that per MP's expense claims cost the taxpayers TEN BILLION POUNDS in their decade of power. I'll say that again ONE HUNDREND MILLION POUNDS a year. That does not include the defense slush fund organised by the corrupt British Aviation Suppliers BAE who are in court as we speak for bribery. Added to that the corruption of the NHS in which the apparachics organised a way of selling drugs for Leukemia and other cancer abroad, taking those drug out of the system so that they could not be accessed by patients. I could go on. The list of corruptive practises of the Labour party over seerers of the public purse is frightening to any defender of Democracy. What is even worse is that thought they could get away with it by wrapping it up in a brand of public display of 'socialism' whilst running a system of corrupt vest intersts behind peoples backs.
Nick please ask for the House of Lords on a platter. Don't believe Mandleson's words about creating a pluralistic society. He is a Lord himself and he would say that. To Peter who I shared a house with as a student, I have to remind him of the words of the first Social Democratic President of the NUS Sue Slipman who started the Lib Dems with Shirley Williams and who spent many dinner parties arguing with you.... Peter, Peter, please, please take off your 'ideological straight jacket' and look at the corruption that befalls you......
We the People want the House of Lords delivered, abolished and on Plate!!!
Goodnight and Good Luck.
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