Saturday, 4 April 2020

UK CoVid19 Virus Deaths rise to 4934

05/04/20 Bulletin Number One CoVid19 Emergency Update 2
(Added Doctor Cameron Kyle-Sidell's from NYC ICU statement on CoVid19)

Since time of writing the Chief Medical Officer of Scotland was reprimanded by the police for contravening the lock down by visiting her holiday home and she has subsequently been removed from representing the Scottish Government on Information Platforms, though some say she should resign for her actions.

New figures released mid afternoon on Saturday 4th April 2020 shocked many who had hoped the UK Government could succeed in stopping the growth of the CoVid19 virus in the population. Figures released that Britain could be on the brink of a serious health emergency with 4934 deaths reported, bringing them 1000 cases higher than the national total  in China of 3322 deaths to date.
Worldometer statistic compiler supported by the USA, John Hopkins University dept of epidemiology list the figures in the United Kingdom today as having only 41,903 cases in the country, but observers including the World Health Organisation warm that this may not reflect the true extent of the numbers infected with the virus, in that it is more likely  the figure would be 3 times that due to the way the virus spreads in blocks of 30 percent growth per day. In any one week the virus can spread up to 90 percent from the first day of the week's figure, meaning that in reality by the end of this week Britain could be facing deaths of up to 13,000 if it does not succeed in breaking the cycle of severe and rapid transmission of the disease.

You can see the worldometer figures by clicking the word here

In Scotland, which has had 218 + 2 (overnight) deaths reported today, there is a better chance of stopping the growth of the deadly virus by isolating the rest of the community from those pools of people who have contracted the disease.  However concerns have been expressed about the fact that over 43 people died over night this weekend and this in fact indicates that Scotland may loose the battle with the virus. In it's current growth pattern CoVid19 could increase in Scotland in one week to as much as 3 times the stated figure of today meaning that within 3 days the figure could rise to 660 with a full measure of this growth being 1220 in 6 to 7 days. While Scotland may have a window of opportunity to stop the flow of deaths it is not clear that the authorities NHS and Government have the 'where, with, all' to effectively stamp out the growth factors of the virus in the NHS or the wider community. So far to date the Scottish government has failed to keep the growth rate down to under the advised rate of 30% which seems part of the way the virus morphs in communities. In London the growth rate has slowed to under 30 percent indicating that lock down measures are beginning to slow the growth of the virus although this remains to be seen over the next week if these figures will hold in either England, Scotland or Wales.

In Scotland measures for the vulnerable who require to be shielded from the virus have been criticised because it has only deemed that around 200,000 people in a population of over 5 million will require food boxes and special assistance in their new scheme announced on Thursday to assist those who can't get out to shop or leave their homes. It is believed that many  people with chronic diseases will fall through the cracks in this provision which is being given to only  less than 15% of the vulnerable people in Scotland, whose chronic illnesses could jeopardise normal and fair living standards during the CoVid Crisis.

Shredder News awaits further comment from the Scottish Government, whose record on health has been marred by serious problems in the buildings and water of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Glasgow and the main Hospital in Edinburgh.

At time of writing new information was brought to me about the New York Doctor Cameron Kyle Sidell's very important  opinion that treatment protocol should be oxygen not ventilators. You can see his impassioned plea from his job as a saver of lives on the lung units of New York #CoVid19 at the link on the word here

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